And the camera never held still long enough for me to get a really good look at them. THAT was the song that took so long for the hero to write? THAT was the song that was so deeply personal that he couldn't share it with anyone until he felt it was perfect? No wonder my BS detector wore out.The costumes are gorgeous (hence the 3 stars from me), but they're the only things that made this movie remotely tolerable. The rest is just a rip-off of your sister's Pussycat Dolls routines. But 'Showgirls' had a slightly more believable plot.Here's a suggestion for Steve Antin: How about making a movie called 'Girl Group', with only one musical number in it? After all, you've given us a movie called 'Burlesque' with only ONE actual burlesque number in it. Because it ain't burlesque, and it rips off too many elements from Marshall's film of 'Chicago' and Fosse's choreography, for me to count.This movie is as true a glimpse of the real burlesque scene, as 'Showgirls' was of the real traditional Vegas showgirl scene. This movie wore out both my BS detector and my suspension of disbelief.It should be prosecuted under the Trades Description Act, and sued by Rob Marshall and the estate of Bob Fosse for plagiarism.