To test the USB connection, check whether the Push 2 receives power from the computer when its AC adapter is unplugged.Use the cable provided with the unit as other USB cables may not fit into the Push 2 USB port housing.In case the USB cable does not connect properly, try to clean the USB port with a vacuum cleaner.Make sure that the USB cable is fully inserted into your Push 2 - it requires a firm press to properly connect.Try a different USB port on your computer.In case Push 2 does not function as expected: The Firmware update will only take place if Push is correctly configured as above. If this is the case, Live will perform the update automatically, and the Push display will notify you once the process has completed, instructing you to restart the device. Firmware updateīefore Push 2 is ready to use, a Firmware update might be necessary. While Push 2 automatically configures as a Control Surface, you will need to manually configure the Push User port to create custom mappings with Push while in User mode.

This is how your MIDI preferences should look once Push 2 is plugged into your computer: Push 2 will automatically configure as soon as Live is running, provided its MIDI ports are correctly detected by MacOS. Make sure to download and install the latest available version from your User Account.

Push 2 requires Live 9.5 or later to work. The power switch is located on the back panel of your Push, behind the master volume knob.